

Wizzy Templates Documentation (1.0.0)
Wizzy uses small components written in Mustache templates to render data on the frontend. All the parts of Autocomplete Menu, Search Results Page, Filters, Sort Options, Category Pages are rendered using Mustache templates.

You can override individual templates to extend the functionality or modify the UI/UX as per your needs.

    Templates Code


    You can find all the available templates for the result page below.
    You can find all the available templates for autocomplete section below.
    • Products
      This template is responsible for showing products in the autocomplete menu.
      Description of the image
    • Suggestions
      This template is responsible for showing autocomplete suggestions.
      Description of the image
    • Wrapper
      This template holds all the Wizzy's autocomplete menu. Use this to modify positions of each section or add new.
    You can find all the available templates for the collection page below. Note that we are using the same templates on the collection page as those used on the search page.
    • Empty Results
      This template is responsible for showing empty collection page.
      Description of the image
    • Facet Block
      This template is responsible for showing individual filter blocks on the search or collection pages. For reference, Category/ Sizes / Colors from image are individual filter blocks.
      Description of the image
    • Filter Item
      This template is responsible for showing filters values under each individual block.
      Description of the image
    • Range List Item
      This template is responsible for showing the price range in list format instead of a slider.
      Description of the image
    • Discount Above Item
      This template is responsible for showing the individual discount percentages filter items.
      Description of the image
    • Range Slider
      This template is responsible for showing the range price filter.
      Description of the image
    • Category Filter Item
      This template is used to render individual category filter items when it is used using a hierarchy method.
    • Selected Filter Item
      This template is responsible for showing selected filter values.
      Description of the image
    • Selected Filter Block
      This template is responsible for displaying all applied filters into a list.
      Description of the image
    • Grid Filter Block
      This template is responsible for showing individual grid filter blocks.
      Description of the image
    If you want to customize the common templates, you can refer to the information below.
    • Sort By
      This template is responsible for showing 'sort by' data.
      Description of the image
    • Activity Indicator (Popup)
      This template is responsible for showing the list under the 'Sort By' section.
      Description of the image
    • List Skeleton
      This template is responsible for showing the skeleton on the page while Wizzy is loading the data on frontend.
      Description of the image